Our Lady of Victory Parish in Paris, TX will be holding a discipleship formation series titled “Living and Sharing our Faith in Jesus.” The series will include a day of teaching in September, October and November and feature speakers from the St. Philip Institute.
September Event
The September event will be held on Saturday, Sept. 25th from 10:00am-12:00pm. This event will feature a talk from Elizabeth Slaten, the Managing Editor of the Catholic East Texas. Slaten will give a talk titled “Really Live Following Jesus” and will discuss growing as a disciple and being witnesses of the Gospel to those around us.
October Event
The October event will be held on Saturday, Oct. 16 from 10:00am-12:00pm. This event will feature a talk from Deanna Johnston, the Director of Family Life for the St. Philip Institute. Johnston will give a talk titled “The Future is Family” and will discuss how marriage and family life can draw us closer to Jesus and change the world.
November Event
The November Event will be held on Saturday, Nov. 6th from 10:00am-3:00pm. This event will feature a talk from Dr. Luke Arredondo, the Director of Faith Formation for the St. Philip Institute. Arredondo will be giving a talk titled “Understanding the Eucharist in the Old and New Testaments” and will discuss what the Bible tells us about Jesus offering himself in the Eucharist.
Registration for these events are appreciated, but not required. For more information, please contact the parish by email at olv@olvparis.org or by phone 903-784-1000.

Cover Image: Mosaic Of Jesus Christ, Hagia Sofia, Istanbul, Turkey.