The Diocese of Tyler will sponsor a table at the Living Alternatives Banquet on Sept. 28, 2021. This year, Dr. Ben Carson will be the featured speaker at the banquet. Living Alternatives hosts this banquet each year to celebrate the ways the Lord has worked in this ministry and to raise funds for the following year.

Every year in October we celebrate Respect Life Month. This is a time to remember that every life is created in the image and likeness of God and is therefore immensely valuable. Through their various ministries, Living Alternatives upholds the dignity of the human person in the local Tyler community and beyond.

Living Alternatives’ mission is to promote a culture of life for women, children and families. In 1982, they began as an outreach for women experiencing unplanned pregnancies. Over the years, they have grown into an organization with several ministries that build loving families and support broken families through compassion, care and counsel. 

Tyler’s Living Alternatives Pregnancy Resource Center provides free pregnancy tests and sonograms. Over 40,000 free pregnancy tests have been administered since 1982. The Center continues to support women throughout pregnancy in their Building Blocks program which provides parent mentoring and childbirth education.

In addition, Living Alternatives supports mothers and babies through Fatherheart Maternity Home, which has provided more than 600 women a safe place to stay and start over. Through the Loving Alternative Adoption Agency, they have helped many young women make the choice to place their children with loving adoptive parents.

To learn more about Living Alternatives and their mission, or to support someone in need, please visit their website: