Many parishes and missions throughout the Diocese of Tyler celebrated Mexico’s Independence Day with a festival after weekend Masses. On September 19th, Our Lady of Guadalupe in Nacogdoches celebrated this special event with a cavalcade, festival and groundbreaking ceremony for a new kitchen and pavilion.

The festivities for the day began with a cavalcade and music. Bishop Strickland rode in the parade on horseback carrying a Vatican flag. After Mass, Our Lady of Guadalupe hosted a festival to raise money for a classroom and office building. The festival also included traditional dances, dancing horses, music, games for the children, and great food.

During the festival, there was a groundbreaking ceremony for a new kitchen and pavilion for Our Lady of Guadalupe. Bishop Strickland blessed the site where the new buildings will be located. These new buildings will help the mission better serve the community and invest in future generations of Catholics.

Our Lady of Guadalupe is a mission of Sacred Heart parish in Nacogdoches which serves the Hispanic community in the Nacogdoches area.
You can find more pictures from the event here.