by Dr. Luke Arredondo | Feb 8, 2024 | Catholic East Texas
In Catholic circles, perhaps no other sacrament raises such a wide variety of interpretations and explanations as the sacrament of confirmation. Sometimes, well-meaning Catholics will say they can’t wait for their child to receive confirmation because then they will...
by Dr. Luke Arredondo | Feb 8, 2024 | Catholic East Texas
En los círculos católicos, quizá ningún otro sacramento suscite una variedad tan amplia de interpretaciones y explicaciones como el Sacramento de la Confirmación. A veces, católicos bienintencionados dicen que no pueden esperar a que su hijo reciba la Confirmación...
by Dr. Luke Arredondo | Nov 6, 2023 | Catholic East Texas
To a non-Catholic, or perhaps even to the typical Catholic, if we try to explain too much of the liturgical year, things can get confusing really quickly. For instance, how do we know if we’re celebrating St. Patrick’s Day when it falls on a Friday in Lent? Is the...
by Dr. Luke Arredondo | Nov 6, 2023 | News
Para un no católico, o quizá incluso para el católico típico, si intentamos explicar demasiado el año litúrgico, las cosas pueden volverse confusas muy rápidamente. Por ejemplo, ¿cómo sabemos si estamos celebrando el Día de san Patricio cuando cae en viernes de...
by Dr. Luke Arredondo | Feb 28, 2023 | News
The role of priests is a well-established, biblical idea that precedes the advent of the Church. In the Book of Exodus, for instance, every family had its own priest, with the father taking on the role for his household. In this ancient understanding of...