Catholic East Texas
The Magazine of the Diocese of TylerHoly Hour and Mass of Remembrance for Pregnancy and Infant Loss
Each year, October 15 is a special day of Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance. This year, Holy Hours and Masses will be held across the Diocese of Tyler. These are for anyone who has experienced the loss of a child whether by miscarriage, stillbirth, or early infant...
2024 Diocesan Wedding Anniversary Mass
All couples in the Diocese of Tyler who are celebrating an anniversary that ends in 0 or 5 or 50 or more years of marriage in the year 2024 are cordially invited to attend the Diocesan Wedding Anniversary Mass on Saturday, February 10, 2024. The Mass will begin at...
Diocesan Women’s Retreat Coming March 2024
Join us on March 23, 2024, for the They That Wait Diocesan Women’s Retreat! We are all waiting for something, for the Lord to come through in some way. Perhaps we are waiting for something to change in our work or ministries, maybe we are waiting for healing of...
Diocese Collaborates with Pearl & Thistle for NFP Week
Natural Family Planning (NFP) Awareness Week (July 23-30, 2023) is a national educational campaign promoted each year around the anniversary of the papal encyclical Humanae Vitae (July 25), which articulates Catholic beliefs about human sexuality, conjugal love, and...
Prayer and Discernment: The Key Components of Responsible Parenthood
By Deanna Johnston – If Natural Family Planning is correctly understood as “fertility awareness plus discernment” what we are really saying is that NFP is an opportunity to live the truth of the sacrament of marriage. We can see in its fullness, the genius of God’s design. As we promote NFP methods we affirm that fertility is not a disease but a tremendous gift and responsibility. The capacity to co-create with God is incredible, and it requires a sense of “awe” at what we are opening ourselves to in the marital act, namely the possibility of life.
Temperance for Kids
Have you ever eaten too much food and felt bad afterwards? Or have you felt really angry and acted out by yelling or throwing a fit? Sometimes people struggle with controlling what they do and how they feel. The virtue of temperance is about practicing self-control....
Fortitude for Kids
What is Fortitude? If you have ever watched a football game you know that the goal of the game is for your team to get the ball across your goal line, a touchdown. You also know that the person who is running with the football has many players from the other team...
Justice for Kids
Have you ever owed someone something? If you have, this means you have an obligation or responsibility to repay him or give him his due. Did you also know that you have a responsibility to give God and others their due? Yes, you owe God and others something. I’m not...
Prudence for Kids
Prudence is a virtue that helps you think through things and act in ways that are right, good, and pleasing to God. God gives us free will so we can choose to do what is good. Prudence tells us what is good, when to do it, and how to do it. Prudence helps you to know...
Things you can do at home to help your children understand the Mass
There are many parts of the Mass that can be mentioned here to help children understand what's going on in the Mass, but I will focus more broadly on three things: prayer, Scripture, and the family meal. Pope Paul VI said, “The Mass is the most perfect form of...
Teach Your Children About the Saints
By Elizabeth Slaten – The saints have much to teach us, but we must know them first. Maria has become my life long friend because my mom introduced me to her story as a child. The saints want to be the lifelong companions of your children as well. As a parent, you are invited to introduce your children to the saints that will walk with them throughout their lives.
What Do I Do with My Hands?
Ever been at a formal social event and found yourself wondering, “What do I do with my hands?” If not, count your blessings. A lot of people have this experience of feeling tremendously awkward in a social setting, simply for not knowing what to do with their hands....