Catholic East Texas

The Magazine of the Diocese of Tyler
Burdens and Blessings of Infertility

Burdens and Blessings of Infertility

By Mikki Sciba – The cross of infertility was heavy. It seemed like everyone around us was blessed with babies except us. When there was news that a family member, friend, or acquaintance at church was expecting, our hearts would be flooded with joy at new life but also sorrow that we may never get to experience the joy of expecting. When my friends would get together for much needed girl time, the conversation would often shift to topics about pregnancy, birth stories, and breastfeeding. I had nothing to share and I couldn’t relate. I felt left out and sad wondering why God would deny us such a great gift.

NFP from a Priest’s Perspective

NFP from a Priest’s Perspective

By Fr. Justin Braun – An honest response is the best response, and my honest response to why I still believe passionately in NFP is simple: it is the closest thing I can see to an act of true faith in God for a couple, and it is what the Church offers to a world hurt by so many lies about women’s health and lies about what marriage should be like. Our culture tells couples that marriage is really about just feeling good, having the most likes on your social media posts, and really never doing anything that requires hard work or sacrifice.

Prayer and Discernment: The Key Components of Responsible Parenthood

Prayer and Discernment: The Key Components of Responsible Parenthood

By Deanna Johnston – If Natural Family Planning is correctly understood as “fertility awareness plus discernment” what we are really saying is that NFP is an opportunity to live the truth of the sacrament of marriage. We can see in its fullness, the genius of God’s design. As we promote NFP methods we affirm that fertility is not a disease but a tremendous gift and responsibility. The capacity to co-create with God is incredible, and it requires a sense of “awe” at what we are opening ourselves to in the marital act, namely the possibility of life.

The NFP Mindset

The NFP Mindset

By Michael Johnston – For anyone unsure if NFP is worthwhile I can only speak from experience. It changes the way I see my spouse. Because NFP is a mindset or worldview, it helps me to see my wife and myself as more than things. And really, anything that helps me to move away from making my spouse an object naturally has a two-fold effect; it ensures that I view her as a part of a whole in the relationship and it helps that relationship to last when earthly beauty eventually fades. 

Real Talk On Natural Family Planning

Real Talk On Natural Family Planning

Morally speaking, Natural Family Planning is very different from contraception. Contraception is the intentional sterilization of the marital act that essentially says, “Life is not welcome here.” NFP, on the other hand, always remains open to life, even if a couple chooses to wait until the infertile window to share in the marital embrace.

A Fool, For the Sake of Christ

A Fool, For the Sake of Christ

Imagine that you enter your church one day, at a time when no one else is likely to be there. You see a swift motion, one after the other, out of the corner of your eye. When you get closer, it becomes clearer: someone is juggling before the statue of the Blessed...

Temperance for Kids

Temperance for Kids

Have you ever eaten too much food and felt bad afterwards? Or have you felt really angry and acted out by yelling or throwing a fit? Sometimes people struggle with controlling what they do and how they feel. The virtue of temperance is about practicing self-control....

Fortitude for Kids

Fortitude for Kids

What is Fortitude? If you have ever watched a football game you know that the goal of the game is for your team to get the ball across your goal line, a touchdown. You also know that the person who is running with the football has many players from the other team...