What Do I Do with My Hands?

What Do I Do with My Hands?

Ever been at a formal social event and found yourself wondering, “What do I do with my hands?” If not, count your blessings. A lot of people have this experience of feeling tremendously awkward in a social setting, simply for not knowing what to do with their hands....
The Early Church Prayed for the Dead

The Early Church Prayed for the Dead

Many non-Catholics experience our Catholic worship for the first time on a certain occasion: funerals. Frequently they tell the priest or their friends that it was one of the most beautiful, if not the most beautiful, funeral they have ever attended. It seems like...
The Early Church’s Contribution to Marriage

The Early Church’s Contribution to Marriage

Since a Christian understanding of marriage has been the norm for many centuries, sometimes we may not recognize what is so striking- even radical- about it. Comparing the Catholic understanding of marriage in the early Church to the marriage practices of the...
The Gifts of the Holy Spirit in Christ

The Gifts of the Holy Spirit in Christ

As we study Christology and strive to know Christ more perfectly, let’s take it from a different angle—the Holy Spirit and His seven gifts. One Gift and Seven Gifts When giving the sacrament of confirmation, the Bishop says to the person being confirmed, “Be sealed...